SKU: 1070550228

Shape White Coffee

Category: Health & Personal Care

Whitening and Brightening Slimming & Detoxifying 

Eat and indulge in foods that you want without worries, and be health-conscious while enjoying your cravings with the newest 11 in 1 Shape White Slimming & Skin Whitening Coffee with its primary active ingredients of; Garcinia Cambodia, L – Carnitine, L – Glutathione & Collagen. All ingredients are tested to be safe and effective in aiding constipation and improving digestion. 

Detoxifies and cleanses the body from unwanted toxins. A coffee that has an anti-oxidant, that helps combat free radicals that damage body cells & in addition to its remarkable antioxidant properties, the discovery of its anti-melanogenic properties has led to its promotion as a skin-lightening agent. No sugar added. Has a lactose-free ingredient that substitutes milk as an additive for beverages like coffee and has no palpitation effect. Can improve skin’s elasticity, (i.e., wrinkles and roughness) as well as signs of aging. Boosts metabolism & suppresses your appetite. Fights skin aging and lightens skin tone. Decreases the amount of fat that the body stores, it also helps reduce visceral belly fat, the kind that surrounds your vital organs and potentially leads to fatty liver disease and other serious health conditions. Helps in decreasing bad cholesterol and controlling diabetes. 

STORAGE: Store at temperatures not exceeding 30°C. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight. 

WARNING: SHAPE WHITE COFFEE is not to be taken as a medicine or a substitute for any medication and shall not be used to cure any kind of ailment.